We recently had the Stone family come for a visit! My cousin, Vicky, lives in Oklahoma with her husband Brad and their four children, Ashtyn, Jaron, Camryn and Lincoln. We always enjoy spending time with their sweet family. They spent a couple of days with us while Brad was in Dallas for business. And then they were off to San Antonio for a fun, little getaway! I respect Vicky so much. She is such an incredible mom! She homeschools her children and I loved watching her with Ashtyn while she stayed with us. She was telling me the reasons why her and Brad feel like God wanted their family to homeschool. They want to raise children who love God and will influence the next generation with their passion for Christ. And they want to be a major influence to do this. It was really inspiring to talk to her about it! I wish we lived closer Vicky!!! We really enjoyed spending time with your family! I was so busy clicking pictures of the kids that I didn't get one of Brad and Vicky. So, here is a great one I found on Brad's facebook...
Lincoln loved this football helmet!
Ashtyn and Emma had a good time playing school!

Emma, Lincoln and Jaron
Emma and Camyrn
The kids spent forever building this tower...
And had fun knocking it down!

What pretty girls!

We all headed to Parks mall to play and ride the carosul.
Gabe on the playground

The kids watching the ice skaters...
Emma loved this pony ;)

Jaron on the carasoul...

Ms. Ashtyn
This would have been a perfect picture if Gabe wasn't hiding! It's always one of mine ;)

Now he is looking!

I love this picture of Vicky and Lincoln.

So cute!
Vicky braids her girls hair every night. They have the prettiest natural curly hair. So, it is a lot eaiser to braid it then deal with the tangles the next morning. When Emma saw Vicky braiding their hair, she asked if she could have her's braided also. Isn't this the cutest picture!
Sweet cousins

The boys :)

And here is where all of the kids slept! Slumber party central!

We love you guys! Come visit us again soon!
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