Thursday, May 29, 2008

It makes me happy

I guess you are wondering why in the world I am posting pictures of our closet???? We recently moved into our house. And to the naked eye, it looks like we are somewhat organized. But I have so many projects to do, I was beginning to get completely overwhelmed. So, I made a list of everything I need to organize. And I am trying to tackle one project a week. One week I might just spend 30 minutes organizing a hall closet. One week, I spent several days organizing my son's room. But the kids rooms are always fun to do ;) This week, I tackled my closet. I got rid of clothes I haven't worn in several years. And I ended up filling 5 bags of clothes and shoes to donate to a local mission. Our closet looks so good!!!! I know I am so weird, but an organized closet makes me pretty happy :)

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