The last stop of our cruise was Cozumel. The beach was just beautiful! It was a lot more crowded than we had experienced at our previous stops. But it was a fun day! And grandad had a few suprises up his sleeve :)

Emma getting off of the ship

Our family

Grandad paid for all of to parasail!!!!! Even the kiddos :)

Gabe and Kaitlyn shocked us all! They loved it! They would have stayed up there all day if we had let them :) Here is Gabe and daddy getting ready to go up.

Gabe and Daddy!

Kasey and Kaitlyn going up! Kaitlyn said she felt like a butterfly :)

And here is what Emma thought of the whole experience :) She taked awhile to warm up to new situations. So, our girl hung out on the boat with us :)

Kaitlyn and Jenny

Mommy and Gabe

Here we go!