<-----------Kind of a yucky post!!!! Just a fair warning!!!------------->
This post is probably in bad taste. My sister said I shouldn't do it! But I thought it was so funny! So, here goes... I took Gabe to get a haircut last week. He fell asleep in the chair! Silly boy. After the haircut was done, I loaded him in the car. It was about 1:55 and I thought I would go ahead and get in line to pick up Emma so Gabe could have a nice nap. I pulled up to the back of the school, where the kids get out around 2:00. Emma doesn't get out of school until around 3:10. So, I had a nice time getting caught up on email on my Iphone while Gabe slept. He woke up around 2:50 happy and we were chatting until he said the dreaded words.... "Mommy, I have to go potty!"
"Gabe, honey, Emma gets out in 10 minutes... Can you hold it?"
I could tell he couldn't. He had a panicked look on his face. We were the second car in line. So, all of the moms that walk their kids home were lined up right in front of my car waiting. I knew we couldn't walk into the back of the school. Security is too tight. And if we left the line, we would have to wait at least 30 minutes to pick her up. So, I did what any reasonable mom would do... I rolled up our tinted windows and told Gabe to potty in an empty water bottle. He looked scared to death! But he did it. The whole time I am praying no one is seeing anything! He looked relieved when he was finished. As Emma was getting in the car, Gabe was trying to tell her what he did. A teacher always helps her in. So, I was shooshing him! But I will never look at a water bottle the same again! Oh, the adventures that come with having a little boy!
1 comment:
I'd be praying that not a drip leaked on my car and squealing about the warm temperature of the bottle! You're a brave mommy! But, I do totally know the sense of urgency from my little guy...I can't say I'd never do it...probably next week, right!
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